Eyelash extensions

Eyelash extensions

Unlike temporary false eyelashes, eyelash extensions are neither an adventure nor a passing commitment. They are applied professionally, one on each natural eyelash, with a semi-permanent adhesive meant to hold them in place for a few weeks. The extensions stand out for their length and volume, they are also designed for each customer. We believe in quality, which is why we have become the sole distributors of the Vivienne Range

Who is Vivienne? Vivienne is one of the largest manufacturers specializing in eyelash extensions, both classic and colored, adhesives, care products and application tools. In 2009 Vivienne entered the market.Today it is one of the biggest brands in the world and is a brand appreciated by the entire community of lash artists.Our eyelashes have gained a good reputation all over the world. You will be impressed not only by their unique quality and professional technology, but also by our distribution services.

The Beauty Click mission

Contributes to customers around the world to be happy with quality eyelash extensions. The VIVIENNE company lives in a constant and endless rhythm of the search for perfection. The extension of the product range aims at customer loyalty. The entire Vivienne range of eyelash extensions can be found here. Vivienne is the best product with more than 20 international factories. Vivienne is a guarantee of quality. Our materials and tools are made of high quality raw materials. All products are thoroughly tested before being sold. The company has the largest and only range in the world in the field of eyelash extension and care.

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    • -€11.22
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    €16.32 -€11.22 €5.10

    One of the best eyelash extensions on the market today. Many stylists have already appreciated the quality of this collection and have chosen to work with the new Vivienne eyelashes. The ultra-light and ultra-thin eyelashes from the Elite series are made of the highest quality monofilament. They have the most intense color from the base to the tips, are very elastic and suitable for the ideal work. Perfect for all categories of stylists, from beginners to experts. A wide variety of curves, lengths and thicknesses make it possible to correct and accentuate all the aesthetic features of the eyes, performing different types of extensions.

    • -€11.22
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    €16.32 -€11.22 €5.10

    One of the best eyelash extensions on the market today. Many stylists have already appreciated the quality of this collection and have chosen to work with the new Vivienne eyelashes. The ultra-light and ultra-thin eyelashes from the Elite series are made of the highest quality monofilament. They have the most intense color from the base to the tips, are very elastic and suitable for the ideal work. Perfect for all categories of stylists, from beginners to experts. A wide variety of curves, lengths and thicknesses make it possible to correct and accentuate all the aesthetic features of the eyes, performing different types of extensions.

  • Jasmine Mix silk eyelashes...
    • -€5.92
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    Jasmine Mix silk eyelashes...

    €11.83 -€5.92 €5.92

    High quality black eyelash box. Eyelash extensions have an intense black color from the base to the tip and perfectly mimic the natural hair. Box with 16 rows

    Product available with different options
  • Jasmine Mix silk eyelashes box
    • -€6.12
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    Jasmine Mix silk eyelashes box

    €12.44 -€6.12 €6.32

    Intense black natural silk eyelash extensions from the base to the top. The box comprises sizes from 8-13 C curve and 8-15 mm D curve



    Two unique eyelash bands for applying eyelash extensions. Elite Ultra Light & Soft, individually packaged.

    • -€6.12
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    €18.16 -€6.12 €12.04

     One of the best materials for extension of eyelashes existing on the market at the current time. Many stylists have already appreciated the quality of this collection and have chosen to work with the new Vivienne eyelashes. The ultra-light and ultra-thin eyelash in the Elite series are made of the highest quality monofilament. They have the most intensive color from the base to the top, they are very elastic and suitable for the ideal work. Perfect for all categories of stylists, from beginners to experts.

    • -€6.12
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    €18.16 -€6.12 €12.04

     One of the best materials for extension of eyelashes existing on the market at the current time. Many stylists have already appreciated the quality of this collection and have chosen to work with the new Vivienne eyelashes. The ultra-light and ultra-thin eyelash in the Elite series are made of the highest quality monofilament. They have the most intensive color from the base to the top, they are very elastic and suitable for the ideal work. Perfect for all categories of stylists, from beginners to experts.

    • -€2.04
    • Out-of-Stock
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    €18.16 -€2.04 €16.12

    Vivienne's Kim Kardashian elite eyelash box

    Monofilament: premium class vip

    Mix of mink eyelashes, elastic, with a natural shine, of the best quality, are not subjected to finishing.

    The lashes have a fine and delicate texture that perfectly mimics the natural hair.

    They are ideal even for the most demanding customers who want a look that is as natural as possible.

    Lengths (9,11,13) / (8,10,12).

    • -€2.04
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    €17.75 -€2.04 €15.71

    Dark Chocolate eyelash extensions - ultra light and soft. Dark chocolate eyelash extensions are used to give naturalness to blonde clients with light skin.

    Colors: Dark Chocolate

    Length: 8-14mm

    Curve: D

    Number of curved lines: 20

    Thickness: 0,07 mm

    Product available with different options
    • On sale!
    • -€5.92
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    €15.10 -€5.92 €9.18

    Very soft eyelashes with a high percentage of collagen, the intense black shade from the base to the top having a matte natural gloss.

    The eyelash box has 20 lines with a maximum density of eyelashes on the tape.

    The lashes come off the tape very easily, being ideal for creating the fans of the russian volume.

    • -€6.73
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    €14.69 -€6.73 €7.96

    Very soft eyelashes with a high percentage of collagen, the intense black shade from the base to the top having a matte natural gloss.

    The eyelash box has 20 lines with a maximum density of eyelashes on the tape.

    The lashes come off the tape very easily, being ideal for creating the fans of the russian volume.



    Very soft eyelashes with a high percentage of collagen, the intense black shade from the base to the top having a matte natural gloss.

    The eyelash box has 20 lines with a maximum density of eyelashes on the tape.

    The lashes come off the tape very easily, being ideal for creating the fans of the russian volume.


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