Preparation for the final stage of eyelash lamination using Restart LASH SECRET technology. Provides deep nourishment, hydration and reliable protection of the eyelashes against adverse environmental factors.

PH level 5.5

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Composition C from the Lash Secret Strong series is intended for the final stage of rolling - restoration. Means:

- intensely nourishes and deeply hydrates the eyelashes,

- restores the natural pH of the eyelashes, helps to reveal the brightness and saturation of the color after dyeing,

- increases eyelash volume by 38%,

- activates latent follicles, accelerates gene recovery and growth,

- loosens the reinforced structure

- laminated, cover the lashes with a protective layer.

The composition of the active ingredients of the product is specially adapted for hard eyelashes and differs from the analogue of Lash Secret Restart.

- Hydrolyzed collagen restores even badly damaged eyelashes, increases their strength and flexibility, adds shine and softness, forms a weightless film that protects hair from damage and loss of moisture.

- Hydrolyzed wheat protein - one of the most effective moisturizers in the world, with a very pronounced and long-lasting effect. It forms an elastic, breathable film on the surface of the eyelashes, restores its structure and also nourishes the skin and hair with cysteine.

- Diisopropyl sebacate - facilitates the penetration of active substances into the deep layers of the eyelashes and softens them.

- Aloe vera gel - has a moisturizing, anti-inflammatory, calming, softening and regenerating effect.

- D-panthenol is an amazing multifunctional component: it nourishes and moisturizes, restores the structure of damaged hair, smoothes the surface of the cuticle, gives the hair a healthy shine and protects it from damage to the environment.

- Fucogel - restores eyelashes after perms and paints, gives shine, creates a protective film without feeling greasy and sticky.

- Icelandic muscle hydrolyzate - a universal component: nourishes genes with vitamins and minerals, natural antibiotic, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, decongestant and UV protective agent, facilitates structural protein synthesis, increases skin energy metabolism and microcirculation in eyelid capillaries, stimulates cell growth Improves local natural immunity. As a result, it protects and restores the cuticle of the eyelashes, ensures their rich color, silky, elasticity.

- Pyridoxine (vitamin B6) - prevents eyelash loss and rupture.

- Dipotassium carbohydrate - has a complex effect: moisturizing, nourishing, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-irritant, detoxifying, deodorizing agent without side effects. It also removes stains remarkably.

- Caffeine is an antioxidant and stimulates eyelash growth.

- Taurine - an antioxidant, strengthens the hair follicle and participates in the elimination of toxins from tissues.

- Arginine - improves blood supply to hair follicles, therefore, their nutrition and cellular respiration, reduces gene loss, prevents damage to the tree.

- Ascorbic acid - antioxidant and stimulant of collagen production. Gives eyelashes shine, elasticity and color shine. Accelerates their growth, increases their volume.- Linoleic acid

- Omega-6 acid, is part of a hydrolipid film that retains moisture and protects genes from destruction.

CAREFUL! The product is not intended for thin and thin eyelashes!


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