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A special balm that accelerates the absorption of pigments into the skin

Ingredients: PIGMENT BOOSTER® COMPLEX 1 special combination of special ingredients that together form a composition for synergistic coexistence. As a result, it induces a qualitative change in the condition of the skin, so as to allow more efficient and faster delivery of pigments.

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A balm with special content containing "Pigment Booster" Complex 1, which accelerates the implantation of pigments. The effect of Pigment Booster® Complex 1 on tattooed skin is unique, it brings the skin to an ideal condition, regardless of skin type, which is the most optimal to implant the pigments. It has a softening, hydrating and vitalizing effect that makes the skin flexible and elastic. It makes the surface of the PMU fine velvety and helps to create a uniform hue. When used during the treatment, due to its special agents the skin does not dry out, does not become irritated and sensitive, and it makes the whole process quicker. It makes the skin more receptive, thus facilitating the pigments to get uniformly into the skin without unnecessary disruption of the skin. It enables quality work and shortens the workflow. The healing process can thus be smoother and it ensures a more beautiful end result. 100% natural cosmetics, contains only natural, vegetable ingredients.


During pigmentation apply several times on the tattooed skin and the area around it. Due to its components, it quickly absorbs into the skin and brings it to a much better condition than the normal state of the skin within a short time. Then, before continuing the work, gently wipe off the balm left on the surface of the skin. For example, during eyebrow micropigmentation, when working on the sides in turns, once on one side, then on the other one, while you are working on one side, apply Booster Balm on the other side and let it take effect. The same system can be used for eyelid, lips and body tattooing. It can be used effectively on the face (eyelids, eyebrows, lips) and in any area of the body during tattooing, it has an excellent effect on every type of skin, without exception.



The skin becomes irritated, dry and brittle during tattooing because of the lot of wiping and the usage of anesthetic creams. With Pigment Booster Balm, the skin becomes silky, velvety and elastic, so the needle does not crack or ruin the skin, but it creates beautiful, regular microscopic holes. As a result, the skin becomes more receptive, it does not produce intensive tissue liquid, so we can create more beautiful and faster work. In addition to this, many of its components have wound healing, anti-infective and anti-inflammatory effect, thus supporting the hygienic tattooing process.


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