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A gentle toning mask for home care with conditioning effect for eyebrows and eyelashes.

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Delicate toning mask with balm effect for eyebrows and eyelashes. The formula without ammonia and hydrogen peroxide gives the colored hair elasticity and shine. This tool will not only give your eyelashes and eyebrows a bright color, but will also take care of their extra protection and nutrition.


1. It does not destroy the structure of the eyelashes and eyebrows. This product does not contain ammonia, does not lighten the hair, but only gives them a shade.

2 . The mask deeply moisturizes, nourishes and restores the hair structure, thanks to the glycoprotein of almond seeds, panthenol and clover extract.

3. Easy to use. It is a ready-made product that is applied directly to the eyelashes and eyebrows and does not require mixing with an oxidant and activators.

4. Security. The mask is soft and harmless to hair and skin (pH 5.0-6.5). Eyelashes can be colored with the eyes open.

5. The effect. Creating a breathable protective film on the surface of the hair, which gives it a shiny shine, a neat appearance, as well as protection against UV exposure.

6. Direct pigments will not work on dark eyelashes and eyebrows! Use only on blond hair or hair after a salon removal procedure.

7. Tint BLACK OPIUM designed to maintain the brightness and saturation of the color after the lamination procedure.


The toning mask is designed to maintain the brightness and saturation of colors after the lamination procedure. Unlike a professional toning mask, it contains a high content of active care components - glycoprotein from almond seeds, panthenol and clover extract, which provides even more hydration, nutrition, protection and shine to hair. The mask is presented in a laconic package with an applicator brush, with the help of which it is very convenient and easy to apply the product independently on the eyelashes, being at the same time with open eyes.

For home care. For individual use only.


Follow the instructions.

For external use only.

Avoid contact with the mucous membrane of the eyes. In case of contact with eyes, rinse immediately with plenty of water. Consult a doctor if necessary.

Keep out of reach of children.

Do not use after the expiry date.


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